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Democrats in ‘Group Think’ Land

Exclusive: When Sunday’s Democratic presidential debate turned to world affairs, the NBC correspondents and both Sen. Sanders and ex-Secretary Clinton fell in line behind “group thinks” about Syria, Iran and Russia that lack evidentiary support, writes Robert Parry. By Robert Parry A curious reality about Official Washington is that to have “credibility” you must accept…

Washington Unveils Investigation Into "Russian Meddling" In The EU

Submitted by Danielle Ryan, op-ed via,

News broke last Saturday evening that the United States is to conduct a “major investigation” into how the Kremlin is “infiltrating political parties in Europe” amid “mounting concerns” of a new Cold War.

The exclusive, which was published by the UK’s Telegraph newspaper, revealed that James Clapper, the US Director of National Intelligence has been instructed by Congress to begin the major review into Russia’s “clandestine” funding of EU parties over the last decade.
