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Turning Change into Chaos

Early U.S. presidents warned that foreign entanglements could endanger the Republic, but it turns out that modern U.S. interventions are hazardous to the rest of the world as well, achieving neither democracy nor human rights, while spreading chaos and death, a tragic turn addressed by ex-CIA official Graham E. Fuller. By Graham E. Fuller A…

Dutch Politician: Male Refugees Are "Testosterone Bombs," Must Be Locked Up To Save Women From "Sexual Jihad"

Earlier today, we brought you footage from riots that took place on Monday in the Netherlands.

When the town of Heesch attempted to hold a meeting to discuss the prospect of placing some 500 refugees, around 1,000 demonstrators arrived to storm town hall. “The atmosphere turned nasty”, to quote AFP, and ultimately, police were forced to use “extra powers” to disperse the crowd.

The riots came just hours after far-right Dutch politician Geert Wilders aired a new campaign spot for his Freedom Party.

A Reminder about Comment Rules

From Editor Robert Parry: At Consortiumnews, we welcome substantive comments about our articles, but comments should avoid abusive language toward other commenters or our writers, racial or religious slurs (including anti-Semitism and Islamophobia), and allegations that are unsupported by facts. If we notice violations of this comment policy, we will take down such comments. If readers…

China Wades Into Mid-East Melodrama As Xi Makes First Presidential Trip To Saudi Arabia, Iran

China Wades Into Mid-East Melodrama As Xi Makes First Presidential Trip To Saudi Arabia, Iran

China is “at the center of a clash between Saudi Arabia and Iran,” WSJ wrote on Tuesday, as Xi Jinping marks his first visit to Riyadh as President.

To be sure, Xi’s trip to the Mid-East comes at a critical juncture. The Sunni and Shiite communities exist in a perpetual state of strife, but Riyadh’s execution of prominent Shiite cleric Nimr al-Nimr threw gasoline on a fire that’s already being fueled by fighting in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen.

Clinton Kept ‘Beyond Top Secret’ Emails On Unsecured Home Server

A top inspector general has told senior lawmakers that Hillary Clinton stored ‘beyond top secret’ emails on her unsecured server at home, indicating the former Secretary of State handled some of the U.S. governments most sensitive and secretive data illegally.  A letter obtained by Fox News sent on January 14th from Intelligence Community Inspector General I. Charles McCullough III says that Clinton stored several dozens of these emails on her home server.
