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New Hampshire and the Impending Collapse of the “Establishment” Candidates

It is less than a month before the New Hampshire primary, where Cruz hopes to be able to knock Rubio out of the race:

“I don’t know where anywhere else Kasich is going to do well. I think Christie has a short half-life,” said former New Hampshire House Speaker Bill O’Brien, a Cruz co-chairman here. “Rubio, on the other hand, could stay around for a while — but I don’t think he’s going to.”

Some of Rubio’s top supporters acknowledge the Florida senator needs to win the establishment free-for-all here.

Iran’s Revolutionaries Follow the China Model

Is the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Supreme leader of the Islamic Republic, a RINO—a revolutionary in name only?

So they must be muttering around the barracks of the Iranian Republican Guard Corps today.

For while American hawks are saying we gave away the store to Tehran, consider what ayatollah agreed to.

Last week, he gave his blessing to the return of 10 U.S. sailors who intruded into Iranian waters within hours of capture. He turned loose four Americans convicted of spying. And he gave final approval to a nuclear deal that is a national humiliation.
