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Putin’s Criticism Of The West Attracts Widespread Media Attention

Russian President Vladimir Putin was recently interviewed by German newspaper BILD where he talked candidly about the deteriorating relations between Russia and the West.  In the interview, Putin criticises sanctions against Russia as being designed push Russia into a war, saying that the West has used Ukraine to further a geopolitical agenda with Russia. reports: “The sanctions of the West are designed not to help Ukraine, but push Russia back geopolitically.

Chavismo’s Sturdy Legacy

Exclusive: Right-wing parties are staging a comeback in Latin America, with the most dramatic victory in Venezuela’s parliamentary elections. Yet, despite troubled leftist regimes facing weak economies and corruption charges, their social reforms have slashed poverty and appear safe for now, writes Andrés Cala. By Andrés Cala A string of recent electoral and political setbacks for Latin American leftist governments –…

Turkey Suicide Bomber Identified As Saudi-Born, Syrian Refugee

Turkey Suicide Bomber Identified As Saudi-Born, Syrian Refugee

On Tuesday, a suicide bomber detonated in Istanbul’s Sultanahmet Square outside the city’s Blue Mosque killing ten German citizens and injuring dozens.

Graphic images began to surface immediately on social media including the following two visuals which depict the moment of the explosion and the immediate aftermath:

There was little question that ISIS would be blamed. The PKK has largely eschewed civilian attacks of late, preferring instead to fight the army directly in the southeast.
