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EU in Stress: the German-Polish Clash

The strains on Europe from neocon-devised policies of “regime change” in Syria and Ukraine are resurfacing historical divisions and reviving old animosities among European states, including a war of words between Angela Merkel’s Germany and Poland’s new right-wing government, as Gilbert Doctorow explains. By Gilbert Doctorow It may have been a foregone conclusion that Poland under…

US Military On Highest Alert Ever In South Korea

The US has reportedly put its troops in South Korea on the highest alert ever to deter “any provocation coming from North Korea,” following Pyongyang’s latest underground nuclear test. The order was announced by Curtis Scaparrotti, the head of US military deployment in South Korea, who was visiting the Osan airbase, which is jointly run by Washington and Seoul. The US has more than 28,000 troops deployed in South Korea which has remained technically at war with its northern neighbor since the 1950-1953 Korean War ended in an armistice, not a peace treaty.

FBI Said To Probe If Hillary Clinton Violated Public Corruption Laws

FBI Said To Probe If Hillary Clinton Violated Public Corruption Laws

In what may be the latest bad news for Hillary Clinton, whose various "previous life" scandals - from emails, to Clinton foundation donations - refuse to go away, the Hill reports, citing Fox News, that the FBI has expanded its investigation of Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server during her time as secretary of State to determine whether her Clinton Foundation work violated public corruption laws.
