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Chinese Immigrant Turned Citizen Defies Obama Gun Grab: "I Will Never Be A Slave Again"

Chinese Immigrant Turned Citizen Defies Obama Gun Grab: "I Will Never Be A Slave Again"

Submitted by Mac Slavo via,


President Obama knows that the American people have not embraced his radical, leftist gun control agenda.

That’s why he took to the stage at a town hall spectacle hosted by CNN’s Anderson Cooper in attempt to defend his unconstitutional executive actions for stealth gun control, and try to convince Americans once and for all that he is not enacting some kind of gun grabbing conspiracy.

Why Is North Korea Our Problem?

Submitted by Patrick Buchanan via,

For Xi Jinping, it has been a rough week.

Panicked flight from China’s currency twice caused a plunge of 7 percent in her stock market, forcing a suspension of trading.

Kim Jong Un, the megalomaniac who runs North Korea, ignored Xi’s warning and set off a fourth nuclear bomb. While probably not a hydrogen bomb as claimed, it was the largest blast ever in Korea.

News Censor Footage Of Bill Clinton Being Asked About Rape Claims

An MSNBC news report edited out footage of a Daily Caller reporter confronting Bill Clinton on Juanita Broaddrick’s claims that Clinton had raped her.  The Thursday afternoon broadcast featured the exchange between Bill Clinton and the reporter in its entirety during an earlier segment. Clinton was asked about Broaddrick in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, following a speech he gave in support of his wife’s presidential campaign. reports: The reporter, according to the Daily Caller, was its own Kerry Picket.
