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UK Parliament Schedule Debate On Whether Or Not To Ban Trump

British MPs have decided to hold a debate in Parliament about whether U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump should be allowed into the UK following a petition that attracted 565,000 signatures calling for Trump to be barred from the UK. The House of Commons petitions committee announced that a debate would be held on January 18th, in Parliament’s secondary debating chamber. reports: A rival petition opposing a ban has been signed by nearly 40,000 people. It will also be debated.

Saudi Arabia Goes Full On ISIS To Terrify The World

At the cost to world peace, the Saudi government experiments with terror on its perceived Shia enemies. Dan Sanchez reports: The Saudis Go Full ISIS In Their US-Backed Takfiri War on the Shia Saudi Arabia has perpetrated a mass execution that puts ISIS’s beach beheadings to shame. Forty-seven heads rolled on Saturday. One of them belonged to Nimr al-Nimr, a revered Shi’ite cleric who had been sentenced to death for sermons in which he criticized the government (especially for its persecution of the country’s Shi’ite minority). His brother has been sentenced to be crucified.

The "Wallstrom Affair" - How Saudi Arabia Reacts When Politicians Expose The Truth About The Kingdom

Authored by Nick Cohen, originally posted at The Spectator,

Sweden’s feminist foreign minister has dared to tell the truth about Saudi Arabia. What happens now concerns us all

Margot Wallström’s principled stand deserves wide support. Betrayal seems more likely...

If the cries of ‘Je suis Charlie’ were sincere, the western world would be convulsed with worry and anger about the Wallström affair. It has all the ingredients for a clash-of-civilisations confrontation.
