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Hillary Clinton Promises Truth About Aliens, Area 51 When Elected

Hillary Clinton has made a promise to all American citizens: She has vowed to reveal the truth about UFOs and Area 51 if she is elected President.  During a Q&A at a campaign rally in New Hampshire, the Democratic presidential candidate revealed that she believes that we have already been visited by aliens. reports: Clinton, who could become America’s first female president if elected in November, also said she would send a “task force” into Area 51 – a top secret base in Nevada where UFO enthusiasts believe alien technology is being back-engineered.

Saudi Arabia Fanning The Flames Of Hate To Provoke Regional Bloodbath

The Saudi execution of a prominent Shiite cleric is an indication that the house of Saud is planning an Armageddon. Across the Middle East, the killing of Shiite cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nim along with al-Qaeda terrorists is viewed as the ultimate hypocrisy, which proves that the Saudis are going for broke, and want the flames of sectarianism to engulf the region. RT reports: The furious reaction across the Middle East to the Saudi execution of a prominent Shiite cleric strongly suggests that the killing is a deliberate provocation by the ruling House of Saud.

ISIS Execute 5 ‘British Spies’ & Threaten UK Invasion In New Video

ISIS have issued a terror threat to the UK in a new video which purportedly shows the execution of five alleged British spies. In the video, which is as yet unverified, a masked gunman speaking in a British accent describes the Prime Minister David Cameron as an “imbecile” before apparently shooting the hostages accused of spying for the British security services. There are also threats made against the UK government and its citizens.

Iran-Saudi Crisis Could Escalate Into A ‘Holy War’ Expert Warns

A Middle East expert has warned that the conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia may lead to a larger holy war in the Middle East, escalating to World War 3.  Russian Middle East expert Vladimir Ahmedov says that following the Saudi execution of Iran’s prominent Shia cleric Nimr al-Nimr, and with Iran’s Supreme Leader promising “divine vengeance” against the Saudi regime, a war between the Sunnis and Shiites could happen.

Trump: Hillary And Obama Created ISIS

Donald Trump told a crowd of supporters that both Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration were to blame for the creation of ISIS during a campaign rally in Mississippi on Saturday night.  The Republican presidential candidate told the crowd that he had previously told the American government to bomb the oil assets belonging to ISIS before Russia began doing so. “I’ve predicted a lot of things, you have to say, including, ‘Get the oil, take the oil, keep the oil.’ Right? I’ve been saying that for three years, and everybody said, ‘Oh, I can’t do that.
