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Saudi Arabia Carries Out Largest Mass Execution In 25 Years After Beheadings Soar In 2015

While we wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s possible to find a “silver lining” in the San Bernardino massacre, the fact that Tashfeen Malik’s connection to Saudi Arabia has focused the world’s attention on Riyadh’s role in promoting Sunni extremism means the tragedy will at least serve a kind of utilitarian purpose. 

Obama Bypasses Congress On Gun Control, Feds Warn Of Revolution

President Obama has announced plans to take unilateral action on gun control in the U.S., saying that he intends to use his executive powers as president, bypassing Congress who he says have failed to address the problem.  Experts have warned that Obama’s drastic actions could cause civil unrest amongst much of the country. BBC News reports: But Mr Obama told Americans that he had received too many letters from parents, and teachers, and children, to sit around and do nothing. “We know that we can’t stop every act of violence,” the president said. “But what if we tried to stop even one?

Iran Threaten To Develop 5000 km Missiles In Response To Sanctions

A top Iranian official has threatened the U.S. with the development of ballistic missiles with a range of 5,000 kilometers after new sanctions were imposed on Iran.  Council Secretary Mohsen Rezaei said that if America presses ahead with its sanctions against Iran the country will take it “as a slap to our country”. reports: “The US will regret its behavior and realize that such actions cause no benefit,” Rezaei stressed. Rezaei also thanked Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani for his quick response to US threats.

Erdogan Praises Hitler’s Germany For ‘Effective Government’

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is pushing for constitutional reforms in Turkey, seeking greater executive powers for the President, citing Hitler’s Germany as an example of an effective government to critics of his plans.  On Friday, after a return visit to Saudi Arabia, Erdogan answered a question posed by a reporter who asked whether Turkey could maintain an unitary structure whilst having an executive Presidential system. “There are already examples in the world. You can see it when you look at Hitler’s Germany. There are later examples in various other countries,” Erdogan said.
