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Another Regime Change "Success": Ukraine President Less Popular Than State Dept-Ousted Predecessor

Two weeks ago, we noted - with some amusement - that Ukraine has defaulted to Russia on a $3 billion obligation. To be sure, the move wasn’t unexpected. 

“I have a feeling that they will not pay us back because they are crooks,” Russian PM Dmitry Medvedev said previously. 

Here, in a nutshell, is what happened. 

Americans Petition Obama To Declare Erdogan's Turkey State Sponsor Of Terror

On our way to documenting Turkey’s arrest of two generals and a colonel who dared to stop a weapons-laden MIT truck in route to Syria, we said that “if there’s a silver lining to last Tuesday’s downing of a Russian Su-24 warplane by two Turkish F-16s it’s that the world is now starting to scrutinize President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.”

Brussels Cancels New Year’s Eve Festivities Over Terror Threats

Authorities in Belgium’s capital have decided to cancel the city’s annual New Year’s Eve festivities and fireworks because of the threat of terrorist attacks. The decision comes following the arrest of two people suspected of planning an attack over the holiday. RT reports: In a Wednesday meeting, Brussels’s mayor Yvan Mayeur and Belgian Interior Minister Jan Jambon took a joint decision to cancel Thursday evening’s festivities. “Together with the interior minister, we’ve decided to not have the celebrations on Thursday evening,” Mayeur told the state broadcaster RTBF Wednesday night.

Terrorists Win? Brussels Mayor Cancels New Year's Eve Fireworks Over Threat

Brussels Mayor Yvan Mayeur has decided to cancel the New Year's fireworks display, after receiving the advice of Belgium's coordinating unit for threat analysis, OCAM, of an imminent terror attack. As DPA reports,

"It is better not to take risks," Mayeur tells the broadcaster.


Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel expresses solidarity with the "delicate, difficult decision" taken, adding in an interview with RTBF that it was the "correct" choice.

So the terrorists win?
