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Syria Accuses Turkey Of Assisting ISIS To Further Its Own Agenda

Syria have accused Turkey of deliberately supporting ISIS by providing covering fire for ISIS militants, and doing business with the terrorist organisation by purchasing illegally smuggled oil.  Political analyst Stuart Rollo told Russian media why he thinks Turkey is continuing to support ISIS in the Middle East. reports: “I think Turkey thought they could shape the Syrian conflict in their favor. They thought the Syrian government would fall within a month like it did in Egypt and Tunisia but it didn’t turn out that way.

The Problem With Progressives: Everything Is Now A Taxpayer-Funded "Right"

Submitted by Yonathan Amselem via The Mises Institute,

Progressives are often good people with good intentions. However, modern Progressivism has evolved into something so shapeless and amorphous as to amount to little more than a belief in “things that sound nice.” Mainstream Progressives have done an abysmal job of outlining precisely, in their view, the proper role of government and what (if any) limiting principle(s) apply to the state as a whole.

Everything Is Now a Taxpayer-Funded “Right”

Another Regime Change "Success": Ukraine President Less Popular Than State Dept-Ousted Predecessor

Two weeks ago, we noted - with some amusement - that Ukraine has defaulted to Russia on a $3 billion obligation. To be sure, the move wasn’t unexpected. 

“I have a feeling that they will not pay us back because they are crooks,” Russian PM Dmitry Medvedev said previously. 

Here, in a nutshell, is what happened. 

Americans Petition Obama To Declare Erdogan's Turkey State Sponsor Of Terror

On our way to documenting Turkey’s arrest of two generals and a colonel who dared to stop a weapons-laden MIT truck in route to Syria, we said that “if there’s a silver lining to last Tuesday’s downing of a Russian Su-24 warplane by two Turkish F-16s it’s that the world is now starting to scrutinize President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.”
