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Ontarians Urged To "Voluntarily" Pay More Taxes To Cut Province's Debt

Christmas is a time for giving and that is what Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne is asking of her citizenry. With almost $300 billion in debt, and almost 1 in 10 dollars of revenue going to pay interest, and already facing the highest tax rates in North America, The Star reports that Ontario officials are asking that 'patriots' voluntarily donate their tax refund or write a cheque to defray the province's massive debtload.


Warmongering Pays - US Foreign Arms Sales Soar 35%

Warmongering Pays - US Foreign Arms Sales Soar 35%

If ever there was a clearer indication of America's "need for war" it was the latest Durable Goods orders data, which confirmed, absent defense spending, the US economy is in a tail-spin. However, as NYTimes reports, foreign arms sales by the United States jumped by almost $10 billion in 2014, about 35 percent, even as the global weapons market remained flat and competition among suppliers increased, thanks to multibillion-dollar agreements with Qatar, Saudi Arabia and South Korea.


Libya’s FM Says They Are Not Seeking International Intervention

Libya’s Foreign Minister said that the country does not need any foreign intervention to cope with threats to its security, including terrorism. Mohamed Al-Dairi said that Libya just needs better weapons, and some help “in training and planning,” The UK were expecting to be asked to send troops, with some suggestions up to 1,000 could be deployed along with a small number of Special Forces. US special ops forces arrived in Libya earlier this month and were immediately told to leave.
