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Putin Holds Surprise Meeting With Assad, Will Call Trump By Phone Later Tuesday

Putin Holds Surprise Meeting With Assad, Will Call Trump By Phone Later Tuesday

One day before meeting with the leaders of Iran and Turkey in the Black Sea resort of Sochi, Russian President Vladimir Putin held a surprise meeting with his Syrian counterpart, Bashar al-Assad, kicking off a diplomatic drive this week to outline the terms of an end to the Middle Eastern country’s bloody civil war. The two leaders discussed the political process in Syria, with the Russian leader saying that the fight against terrorism in the crisis-stricken country is close to completion.

France's Macron Covers For Saudi Aggression

France's Macron Covers For Saudi Aggression

Authored by Finian Cunningham via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

France’s invitation to beleaguered Lebanese premier Saad Hariri for him and his family to spend “a few days in Paris” has been viewed as French President Emmanuel Macron stepping in with deft soft power to resolve tensions between Saudi Arabia and Lebanon.

Less charitably, what Macron is really doing is giving cynical cover to the Saudi rulers for their extraordinary acts of aggression towards Lebanon and their violation of that country’s sovereignty.

Zimbabwe Military Says Mugabe Impeachment Process Has Begun

Zimbabwe Military Says Mugabe Impeachment Process Has Begun

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe baffled his country and the world last night when, instead of publicly announcing his resignation, he reaffirmed his intention to stay on as the head of state in Zimbabwe, and admonished members of his ruling ZANU PF party for their “arbitrary decision making” and “victimization.”

Mugabe’s defiance immediately spurred conspiracy theories, including one where military commanders who flanked Mugabe during his speech smuggled him an alternate version following the review of his initial draft.


Bitter Hillary Fantasizes With "Journalist" About Becoming President Of Another Planet

A bitter Hillary Clinton may have finally just developed a plan that would fulfill her lifelong dream of wielding complete power while simultaneously granting her detractors their lifelong dream of being rid of her.  The plan, apparently hatched in an interview with Now This News, envisions Hillary traveling to an alien planet, Earth 2, where she could rule the non-existent masses with impunity.
