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Clinton Mocks Trump: "How Does He Get Anything Done Between Tweeting And Golfing?"

Clinton Mocks Trump: "How Does He Get Anything Done Between Tweeting And Golfing?"

Just a few short hours after President Trump challenged his former friend-turned-rival Hillary Clinton to run against him again in three years, Clinton shot back by questioning how the president has time to get anything done in between feuding with perceived enemies on twitter and slicing up the back nine.

"Honestly, between tweeting and golfing, how does he get anything done? I don’t understand it," she said, according to the Hill. "Maybe that’s the whole point."

"The President Is Gone" - Zimbabwe Ruling Party Officially Ousts Mugabe

"The President Is Gone" - Zimbabwe Ruling Party Officially Ousts Mugabe

Update 2: Mugabe, who remains under house arrest, is meeting with the commanders of the country's military shortly after lawmakers approved an ultimatum for the long-time strongman to either resign, or be forced...


Russia-Gate Spreads To Europe

Russia-Gate Spreads To Europe

Authored by Robert Parry via,

Ever since the U.S. government dangled $160 million last December to combat Russian propaganda and disinformation, obscure academics and eager think tanks have been lining up for a shot at the loot, an unseemly rush to profit that is spreading the Russia-gate hysteria beyond the United States to Europe...

British Prime Minister Theresa May

"We're Not Stupid" - Top US Nuclear Commander Would Disobey "Illegal" Trump Orders

"We're Not Stupid" - Top US Nuclear Commander Would Disobey "Illegal" Trump Orders

A few short months after Admiral Scott Swift, Commander of the US Navy’s Pacific Fleet, said he would obey a hypothetical order to launch a nuclear strike against China if the president chose to give it, Air Force Gen. John Hyten - America's top nuclear commander - said Saturday he would push back against President Trump if the president ordered a nuclear launch the general believed to be "illegal."

Another Step Towards The Sovietization Of American Media

Authored by James George Jatras via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

This week the US Department of Justice Criminal Division forced the Russian-funded television network RT (formerly Russia Today) to register as a “foreign agent” under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). Failure to comply would have risked arrest of RT’s management and seizure of its assets. The move comes on the heels of Senators’ recent demands that terrified tech giants Twitter, Facebook, and Google act as ideological filters.
