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Sexual Assault in the Military

The epidemic of rape and sexual assault in the military was highlighted in the 2012 Oscar nominated documentary, The Invisible War. In the film, victims recounted their stories of abuse (by superiors and fellow enlisted personnel) along with the lack of recourse and an impartial judicial system, reprisals against the accusers versus the perpetrators, and the shortage of mental health support for the survivors of abuse.

"Go Fund Me" for Federal Civil Rights Suit vs. Mainstream Media on behalf of Bernie Sanders

I am filing a federal civil rights action in regards to the Bernie Sanders Presidential Campaign. I am challenging the Fairness Doctrine as well as requesting enforcement of the Equal Time Rule, among other things. I need all of the help I can get. Please read the "Go Fund Me" request that is the basis of this article.

With Lindsey Graham's Exit, a Dismal Republican Race Is Diminished Further Still

Lindsey Graham was the loudest -- and often the loneliest -- Republican challenger to the absolute absurdity of Donald Trump's presidential campaign, and to the willingness of other candidates, congressional leaders, and party bureaucrats to aid and abet the blowhard billionaire's vile rhetoric. Graham dared to say what other Republicans would not, ripping Trump as a "race-baiting, xenophobic religious bigot."
