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Peak "Office Space"

With the unprecedented surge in unicorns and incessant faith in the ever-increasing productivity of a globalization-crushed American worker, it is perhaps a surprise that the "office space" provided to the intellectual capital-providing, wage-stagnating middle-American, has never been smaller...


It seems since The Fed unleahes its 'temporary emergency policy', the need for "office space" has collapsed... because, in the new normal, all that matters for shareholder wealth creation is 'buybacks' not productivity.


CISA: “Just Another Example Of Corruption”

Last week, Congress passed CISA, and Obama signed it into law … even though the Department of Homeland Security had previously said that the bill will HURT national security and destroy privacy. (numerous experts agreed).

And – just like with previous spying laws – the government has a secret interpretation of CISA which will make it even worse.

So why was the bill passed?

As the American public is starting to learn  – and politicians from both side of the aisle admit – corruption has thoroughly destroyed America.

Eight More Years of Plutocracy

Hillary shows all the classic characteristics of a plutocratic enabler. She's a dedicated corporatist and a devout global imperialist. She really believes that we can lead the world by achieving military victory in the Iraqi-Syrian Frontier despite all evidence to the contrary. The Wizard of Oz was on TNT at the same time as the ABC debate. It was by comparison "reality TV."
