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Congress To Lift Four Decade Oil Export Ban: Will It Impact Crude Prices?

A little logrolling is better than brinksmanship and legislative gridlock we suppose and thanks to GOP concessions on tax credits for wind and solar as well as a three year reauthorization of a conservation fund, Republicans were able to include a measure that lifts the 40-year old ban on crude exports in a package of spending and tax legislation that funds the government until September of 2016. 

ISIS Twitter Handles Traced To UK Government By Hackers

There’s no shortage of speculation about the possible role the West plays in funding, arming, and otherwise assisting Islamic State. 

The theories range from the outright conspiratorial (the CIA created and to this day supports the group) to the probable (the US and its allies saw the establishment of a Salafist principality in Syria as a potentially destabilizing event for the Assad government and so initially encouraged Islamic State’s rise, only to face the worst case of blowback the world has ever known). 
