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Will 'Elites' Blow Up The GOP?

Submitted by Patrick Buchanan via,

“Buchanan, if you ever hear of a group getting together to stop X, be sure to put your money on X.”


So, Richard Nixon told me half a century ago, after he had been badly burned in just such a futile and failed enterprise.

It was the Cleveland Governors Conference of 1964.

Sen. Barry Goldwater had just defeated Gov. Nelson Rockefeller in the final and decisive winner-take-all primary in California.

European Nations Throw Up On EU Plan To Seize Border Sovereignty, Impose Standng Border Force

Last week we reported that in a move which the FT dubbed would "arguably represent the biggest transfer of sovereignty since the creation of the single currency" Brussels was about to propose the creation of a standing European border force that could take control of the bloc’s external frontiers — even if a government objected.

A Brave GOP Congressman Refuses to Back Trump and Sets an Example for Tonight's Debaters

Wisconsin Republican Reid Ribble is saying absolutely and unapologetically that he does not back Trump -- and, more importantly, that he will not back Trump. "I am not obligated to support a bad candidate from any party," says Ribble. "I will not support Donald Trump for president of the United States, no matter what the circumstances."

Did Saudi Arabia Just Clear The Way For An Invasion Of Syria And Iraq?

And now, a further turn for the absurd...

While it’s still far from common knowledge among the Western public that Washington’s closest allies in the Mid-East are funding, arming, and otherwise enabling the Sunni extremists (including ISIS) battling for control of Syria and working to destabilize Iraq, the massacre that unfolded earlier this month in San Bernardino has managed to focus some much needed attention on the role Saudi Arabia plays in promoting extremism.
