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British Diplomat Alastair Crooke Supports PCR’s Position

British Diplomat Alastair Crooke Supports PCR’s Position

“Moscow seems to be offered a choice between backing the ‘hegemon’ or preparing for war”

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Obama State Dept Continues to Lie to the World

Obama State Dept Continues to Lie to the World

Watch State Dept liar John Kirby be taken apart by a female RT reporter. Notice his claim that the US has great relations with the Iraq government and is there with Iraq’s blessing:

Then read this report on Zero Hedge:

Republican Party crisis deepens over Trump anti-Muslim statements

Both Trump and Carson have threatened to bolt the Republican Party and mount independent campaigns if the party establishment intervenes against them in the presidential campaign. Earlier this week, Trump touted a poll showing that 68 percent of his supporters would follow him out of the Republican Party if he decided to run as an independent.
