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ISIS Releases New Apocalyptic Video Depicting "Final" Battle With "Crusaders" In Syria

ISIS Releases New Apocalyptic Video Depicting "Final" Battle With "Crusaders" In Syria

Three weeks ago, we highlighted what we dubbed “the greatest piece of terrorist video propaganda in history.” The clip, a 5-minute Hollywood special produced by Islamic State’s al-Hayat Media (the nerve center for a labyrinthine network of “Wilayats”), begins with a glorification of the “caliphate”, as an English-speaking narrator notes that ISIS’ territory is now “thirty times the size of Qatar.”

Gutless Wonders: America Gladly Thrusts Its Neck Under the Jackboot

Fear is being promoted across the board to "justify" an entire political-economic system that is now geared almost entirely to rampant militarism and rapacious financial elitism. Anything to divert attention from the crimes and corruption of our own power structures, which are wreaking more destruction on "the American way of life" than any terrorist organization could ever do.

White House Unable To Explain How Gun Control Will Stop Mass Shootings

Authored by Steve Watson, originally posted at,

The White House cannot name one single shooting incident that would have been prevented by gun control legislation.

As President Obama prepares executive action to pass further gun control legislation, one errant reporter asked the White House press secretary exactly how such proposals would have prevented any recent mass shootings.

Josh Earnest couldn’t directly answer the question and floundered around repeating the same talking points over and over again.

Why Liberals Oppose a Gun Ban for People On Terror Watchlist

Everyone agrees – other than ISIS and a handful of crazies – that we have to stop the epidemic of mass shootings  (mass shootings have skyrocketed under Obama; 5 of the 12 deadliest mass shootings in history took place during Obama’s first term alone).

President Obama plans to introduce – through executive action – a gun ban on those on no-fly lists.   So does the governor of Connecticut.

Sound like a no-brainer … stopping terrorists from having guns?

Why Liberals Should Oppose a Gun Ban for People On Terror Watchlist

Everyone agrees – other than ISIS and a handful of crazies – that we have to stop the epidemic of mass shootings  (mass shootings have skyrocketed under Obama; 5 of the 12 deadliest mass shootings in history took place during Obama’s first term alone).

President Obama plans to introduce – through executive action – a gun ban on those on no-fly lists.   So does the governor of Connecticut.

Sound like a no-brainer … stopping terrorists from having guns?
