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McConnell Reveals Senate Tax Bill Will Strip Obamacare Mandate

In what is emerging as the latest potential stumbling block for the passage of GOP tax reform, on Tuesday afternoon Senate Majority leader announced that the Senate tax bill will include language to repeal ObamaCare’s individual mandate, a move which could make passage prolematic as it could withdraw support from moderate Republicans. According to The Hill, Conservatives led by GOP Sens. Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Tom Cotton pushed hard to include the provision, which would eliminate the federal penalty on people who do not buy health insurance.

Steven Mnuchin: "Nobody Thinks Russia Had An Impact On The Election"

With at least one crucial vote on the White House’s tax reform plan looming later this week, and Special Counsel Robert Mueller reportedly preparing to indict former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and possibly his son as well, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin defended the administration’s approach to both issues during an appearance on CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday, saying that, while nobody in the administration is denying that Russia tried to interfere in last year’s election, few believe Russian intelligence was successful in swaying the outcome of the vote.

New Hampshire Lawmaker Equates Homeschooling To "Child Abuse" - Nanny State To Be Pushed On Parents

New Hampshire Lawmaker Equates Homeschooling To "Child Abuse" - Nanny State To Be Pushed On Parents

Authored by Joseph Jankowski via,

In 2012, the State of New Hampshire passed a measure that eased the state’s intervention into the operations of homeschooling families by reducing the number of filings parents would have to submit in order to get state approval for their efforts to educate their children. This move, according to Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA), reduced the amount of notices homeschooling parents would have to submit from 3 to just 1 and has produced no negative problems since becoming law.
