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"I Believe The Women" - Mitch McConnell Calls For Moore To "Step Aside"

"I Believe The Women" - Mitch McConnell Calls For Moore To "Step Aside"

Following Roy Moore's vehement denial of teen sex abuse allegations on Friday, the weekend saw political furore rising and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell may have just sealed the Bannon-backed candidate's future.

"It never happened... If you abuse a 14-year-old you shouldn't be a Senate candidate. I agree with that," Moore said. "But I did not do that."

The Whiskey Rebellion: How Brand New America Tore Up The Bill of Rights

The Whiskey Rebellion: How Brand New America Tore Up The Bill of Rights

Via The Daily Bell

223 years ago today, “The Dreadful Night” occurred in Western Pennsylvania, after an uprising called The Whiskey Rebellion.

The United States was brand new. Soldiers who had fought for independence from Great Britain found themselves on opposite sides of a skirmish. Some were having their rights violated practically before the ink was dry on the Bill of Rights. Other Veterans of the Revolution were doing the oppressing at Alexander Hamilton’s behest.

Pension Ponzi Bailout: Democrats Sponsor US Treasury Bailout Scheme

Pension Ponzi Bailout: Democrats Sponsor US Treasury Bailout Scheme

Authored by Mike Shedlock via,

Most defined benefit pension plans are nothing but Ponzi schemes. Plans are now unraveling because of demographics. An increasing number of retirees, needing untenable returns, are supported by fewer and fewer people putting money in the system. Democrats sponsored a bailout scheme. Will it pass?

Pension and Investments reports Sen. Sherrod Brown to Unveil Multiemployer Loan Program Legislation.
