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"He's F**ked": Trump Blames Kushner For Mueller Probe As West Wing "Fears Impeachment", VF Reports

"He's F**ked": Trump Blames Kushner For Mueller Probe As West Wing "Fears Impeachment", VF Reports

In a new bombshell report, Vanity Fair says that for the first time since the Mueller investigation began earlier this year, key Trump allies in the West Wing are starting to worry that the notion of an impeachment might be slightly more than just a Democratic pipe dream.  As former aide Sam Nunberg said, Mueller's indictment of Paul Manafort has sparked concerns in the White House that Mueller has every intention of parsing through every Trump/Kushner financial dealing until he uncovers something incriminating.

Another House Dem Files Articles Of Impeachment Against Trump

The grand jury indictments of former Trump campaign executive Paul Manafort and his longtime deputy Rick Gates (as well a billionaire Tom Steyer's World Series Ad pushing for Trump Impeachment) have apparently emboldened another progressive House Democrat to file articles of impeach against Trump, as murmurs about bringing the bill to a floor vote grow steadily louder despite Nancy Pelosi’s desperate insistence that they would risk politicizing the Mueller probe and damaging the Dems during the 2018 midterms.

Majority Of Americans Say Trump Era Is "Lowest Point In US History"

How quickly Americans forget…

According to a recent survey by the American Psychological Association, a majority of Americans believe that we are currently living through the lowest point in US history that they can remember…eclipsing such watershed moments as the Watergate Scandal, the Bush administration’s dishonest justification for a war with Iraq, and - oh yeah - World War II and Vietnam, according to Bloomberg.
