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Trump To Jail Over Jan. 6th? Really?

President Trump has indicated that he is a "target" in the ongoing investigation of the events of January 6, 2022 - the "insurrection" and he anticipates being arrested under Biden's Justice Department. Is this a bridge too far? Arresting your political opponent? Also today: Slowly the MSM and Biden Administration are admitting their Ukraine plan failed. Watch today's Liberty Report:

'Cocaine? What Cocaine!!??'

Despite Secret Service testimony to the House Oversight Committee today, the investigation into who brought cocaine into the White House has, eleven days later, been closed without any conclusion. The Administration claims they just don't know who brought it in. A compliant media seems uninterested. Aldo today...FBI Director Wray lies to Congress about censoring Americans. Watch today's Liberty Report:

NATO Throws A Furious Zelensky Under The Bus

NATO's message to Ukrainian president Zelensky at its Vilnius summit was essentially, "you keep fighting and we'll keep sending weapons. But no NATO Membership." Zelensky was furious when this became clear and he lashed out. Slowly it is becoming obvious that NATO and the US means to fight Russia down to the last Ukrainian without getting their hands dirty. Next move? Today on the Liberty Report:

Bombshell! FBI Colluded With Ukraine Intelligence To Silence Americans!

In a shocking new report released by the US House Judiciary Committee, it is alleged that the FBI passed Ukrainian intelligence requests to US social media that certain accounts be silenced for "Russian disinformation." Many of the accounts were Americans exercising their First Amendment right to disagree with US government policy. Also today: Biden rejects Congressional calls for oversight on massive US wealth transfer to Ukraine. Watch today's Liberty Report:

UK Talks Tough On War With Russia...But It Doesn't Have Any Tanks!

Through the Russia/Ukraine crisis the UK government has been among the most bellicose in urging Ukraine to fight Russia to the last man. UK politicians openly talk about being "at war" with Russia. But yesterday Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, UK Chief of the Defence Staff broke the bad news to tough-talking UK: They have no tanks! They have no army! It was all just bluster! Also today, CNN puzzled by anyone opposing government censorship. Watch today's Liberty Report:
