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The Delays Begin: Release Of Republican Tax Bill Postponed Until Thursday

In our comprehensive review of the GOP tax bill which was scheduled to be unveiled tomorrow, we noted the following key caveat  "There are a lot of unknowns in this process, the biggest of which - of course - is whether the bill will be delayed from its scheduled Wednesday appearance." In retrospect, and in light of the conflicting reports about what may be contained in the final draft of the bill, this has proved prophetic because moments ago, Axios reported that week's 2nd biggest events - after Trump's announcement of Jay Powell as the next Fed chair - the release of the Republi

Israel's New "Soros Bill" Aims To Stop Funds From 'Anti-Semitic' Donors

Israel's New "Soros Bill" Aims To Stop Funds From 'Anti-Semitic' Donors

Having made no friends this week with his McCarthyite 'blacklist' of potential Russia-sympathizers, and facing bans and probes throughout eastern Europe (for his 'Open Society' actions), bilionaire investor George Soros has a new enemy - Isarel!

As Haaretz' Jonathan Lis reports, MK Miki Zohar (Likud) announced on Monday that he planned to submit a bill that would make it harder for leftist organizations to receive funding from organizations considered hostile to Israel.

3 Potential OPEC Deal Killers

Authored by Zainab Calcuttawala via,

The Middle East isn’t yet ready to agree on the future of OPEC’s output reduction deal as the bloc’s November 30 summit approaches, during which the cartel is set to decide on the depth and length of the cuts one year from their initial approval.

Here are the three key geopolitical issues wreaking havoc on the region’s ability to collectively raise the price of oil.

1. The Trump Administration’s Ongoing Iran Nuclear Deal Drama

Trump Administration Will Defend Cuba Embargo In Symbolic UN Vote

A series of mysterious sonic attacks on US diplomatic personnel (and more than a few spies) working at Washington’s Havana embassy have provided ample justification for the White House to reverse the US-Cuba detente negotiated by the Obama administration. And in a gesture that - though it has no implications for policy - is considered symbolically important, the State Department said Thursday the US will defend America’s decades-old economic embargo on Cuba by voting against a UN resolution condemning it, the Associated Press reported.
