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Trump Heralds GOP "Anger, Unity" As WSJ Warns Dems "The Russian Dossier Dam Is Breaking"

Trump Heralds GOP "Anger, Unity" As WSJ Warns Dems "The Russian Dossier Dam Is Breaking"

In a series if tweets this morning, President Trump has exposed some of the narratives that much of the mainstream media seems loathed to touch...

Never seen such Republican ANGER & UNITY as I have concerning the lack of investigation on Clinton made Fake Dossier (now $12,000,000?), the Uranium to Russia deal, the  33,000 plus deleted Emails, the Comey fix and so much more.


Instead they look at phony Trump/Russia "collusion," which doesn't exist.


Mutual Assured Destruction

Mutual Assured Destruction

Authored by Philip Giraldi via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

Sometimes it is possible to read or view something that completely changes the way one looks at things. I had that experience last week when I read an article at Lobelog entitled “A Plea for Common Sense on Missile Defense,” written by Joe Cirincione, a former staffer on the House Armed Services Committee who now heads the Ploughshares Fund, which is a Washington DC based global foundation that seeks to stop the spread of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons.

How The Elite Dominate The World – Part 4: They Buy Politicians, And Incumbents Almost Always Win

How The Elite Dominate The World – Part 4: They Buy Politicians, And Incumbents Almost Always Win

Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,

Once we wake up to how the game is being played, then we will have a real shot at changing things.  For decades, the elite have been pulling the strings behind the scenes in both major political parties.  That is why nothing has ever seemed to change very much no matter which party has been in power. 

One Day Tomorrow Won’t Arrive

One Day Tomorrow Won’t Arrive

Paul Craig Roberts

Before the idiots in Washington get us blown off of the face of the earth, the morons had better come to terms with the fact that the US military is now second class compared to the Russian military.

For example, the US Navy has been made obsolete by Russia’s hypersonic maneuvering Zircon missile.

Mnuchin Says White House Is "Focused On Finding A Successor To Yellen"

Mnuchin Says White House Is "Focused On Finding A Successor To Yellen"

President Donald Trump is a showman whose love for spectacle has transformed even mundane personnel decisions into elaborate pageants - as the New York Times pointed out last night.

And of all the turmoil in the administration's process of hiring, and firing, employees, nothing has quite underscored this fact more clearly than Trump's quest to select Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen's successor before he term ends in February.
