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UK Talks Tough On War With Russia...But It Doesn't Have Any Tanks!

Through the Russia/Ukraine crisis the UK government has been among the most bellicose in urging Ukraine to fight Russia to the last man. UK politicians openly talk about being "at war" with Russia. But yesterday Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, UK Chief of the Defence Staff broke the bad news to tough-talking UK: They have no tanks! They have no army! It was all just bluster! Also today, CNN puzzled by anyone opposing government censorship. Watch today's Liberty Report:

Did Hunter Bring Coke To The White House??

With the revelation that cocaine has been found in the White House, right-wing Twitter has exploded with speculation that the president's famously drug-addled son must have brought the party back home. No evidence thus far implicates Hunter, but given the level of surveillance in the White House shouldn't we expect to know soon who's guilty? Also today: big victory for the First Amendment and defeat for fascism in the US. Watch today's Liberty Report:

No One Wants To Join The 'Bud-Light' Military

A recent Wall Street Journal article outlined the serious recruiting crisis in the US military. It's getting so bad that even among military families there is strong pressure for the next generation not to sign up. Why does no one want to serve anymore? Could it be the same "woke" virtue-signaling that is destroying major brands like Bud Light and Target? Also today: Ukraine under pressure to make failed counter-offensive work in advance of NATO summit. Watch today's Liberty Report:

Kennedy Campaign Supporters Sound Like My Kind of People

Columnist Michelle Goldberg makes her disdain for presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. clear in her Friday New York Times editorial. She paints Kennedy as a dangerous “crank.” But, when Goldberg wrote in the editorial generally about supporters of Kennedy she encountered at a June campaign event in New Hampshire, her description seems to be closer to objective and is in line with what I have observed from afar. Goldberg’s general description of the Kennedy supporters is also, in my view, quite positive.
