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Catalan Separatists Rebel Against Their Leader, Shout "Traitors" Outside Puigdemont's Office

It didn't take much for Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont to turn from hero to villain for the local separatists.

Shortly after news hit that Puigdemont would not be declaring independence but would instead seek new elections, some time around Dec. 30, Catalan separatists revelled against his plan to draw back from declaring independence as Spanish authorities finalize plans to oust his insurgent administration. A crowd gathered in the square in front of the Catalan government palace chanted "traitoers" and “Attention, PdeCat, patience is over."

Catalan Government Said To Back Off Independence Push, Will Seek Elections; Spanish Stocks Soar, Yields Tumble

Catalan Government Said To Back Off Independence Push, Will Seek Elections; Spanish Stocks Soar, Yields Tumble

Yesterday Catalonia’s government was preparing to declare independence, as we discussed. Just hours after Puigdemont snubbed Madrid, canceling his visit to The Senate to discuss their imposition of Article 155, Catalan Deputy First Minister Oriol Junqueras told AP that the Spanish government had left Catalonia “no other option” but to proclaim a new republic. Mr. Junqueras told the AP he was commenting as leader of his party, Republican Catalan Left, not as a member of the regional government.

DOJ Clears FBI Informant In Clinton-Era Russian Bribery Scandal To Testify

DOJ Clears FBI Informant In Clinton-Era Russian Bribery Scandal To Testify

Update (8:40 pm ET): The FBI informant who helped the Justice Department secure a conviction against the top official from the US subsidiary of Rosatom, the Russian atomic energy agency, but was blocked by the Obama Justice Department from testifying about Russian efforts to bribe and extort their way into possession of North American uranium assets - a process which was cleared by both Hillary Clinton's State Department and Robert Mueller's FBI - has as of moments ago been cleared to testify, the Justice Department announced on Wednesday e

Goodbye Royal Marines

Goodbye Royal Marines

Authored by Matthew Jamison via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

Over the course of the summer there was great fanfare and much to do from the British Secretary of State, Sir Michael Fallon MP, regarding the 'completion' of two new British aircraft carriers called HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales.

Trump's Storm Is Lashing The Halls Of Corruption

Written by Lord Feverstone of Dystopia, USA

About two months ago, I wrote an article here on Zero Hedge entitled, "Trump Is Slow-Playing His Cards In This Game Of Deep State Poker."

It was met with some understandable skepticism, but in light of recent political developments, it may be worth your second perusal.

My conjecture then was that President Trump was setting up his enemies by utilizing a rope-a-dope strategy; feigning weakness while his administration worked covertly to rid Washington of decades of political corruption.  
