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Charted: The Number of North Korean Defectors (1998-2023)

Why Are the Number of North Korean Defectors Decreasing?

North Korea, formally known as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, is a totalitarian dictatorship with extremely limited freedoms and rights reported for its citizens.

Due to the country’s tight controls on borders and information, people that want to leave the country often have to physically escape and are known as defectors.

Now That Israel Has Entered Gaza, All Eyes Are On Hezbollah, Iran And Turkey

Now we are going to find out who was bluffing and who was not bluffing.  Israeli troops have gone into Gaza, and we are being told that this is a war that could last for months.  Of course it could easily last a lot longer than that.  If the stated goal is to eliminate Hamas, that certainly won’t be easy.  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is calling this a second war of independence, and he just told the world that “Never Again is now”…

Wider War Will Bring Inevitable Attempts At Martial Law In America

By Brandon Smith

Not long ago at the height of fear over the global pandemic the US underwent a change that many people argued would never happen. For years I have heard people say that authoritarian controls in America are “tinfoil hat conspiracy theory” and doom mongering – All the prepping, all the talk of community organizing, all the guns and the gear and the training were for nothing. Then…the covid agenda hit like a freight train.
