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'Well Son Of A ...' Why Impeaching Biden May Backfire On GOP.

With Hunter Biden's business partner Devon Archer expected to testify to the GOP-controlled House on then-Vice President Biden's involvement in Hunter's very suspicious business dealings in Ukraine, House Speaker McCarthy is even starting to use the "I" word - impeachment. Would a House impeachment of Biden bring justice? Also today...the US occupation of a large part of Syria - the part with the oil - is getting more dangerous. Is it time to pull out? Watch today's Liberty Report:

Trump To Jail Over Jan. 6th? Really?

President Trump has indicated that he is a "target" in the ongoing investigation of the events of January 6, 2022 - the "insurrection" and he anticipates being arrested under Biden's Justice Department. Is this a bridge too far? Arresting your political opponent? Also today: Slowly the MSM and Biden Administration are admitting their Ukraine plan failed. Watch today's Liberty Report:

'Cocaine? What Cocaine!!??'

Despite Secret Service testimony to the House Oversight Committee today, the investigation into who brought cocaine into the White House has, eleven days later, been closed without any conclusion. The Administration claims they just don't know who brought it in. A compliant media seems uninterested. Aldo today...FBI Director Wray lies to Congress about censoring Americans. Watch today's Liberty Report:
