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Former Congressman Warns That Foreign Countries Could Bribe The Feds To "Regulate Drudge"

Former Congressman Warns That Foreign Countries Could Bribe The Feds To "Regulate Drudge"

Authored by Alex Thomas via The Daily Sheeple,

A former Republican Congressman from Colorado has warned that a foreign country could bribe or “incentivize” the FCC to regulate and “rein in” popular conservative news outlets, including The Drudge Report.

Former Rep. Tom Tancredo, in an opinion piece for The Hill, started out his shocking warning by downplaying the so-called Russian actors who may have spent a measly $100,000 with social media giant Facebook in exchange for ads that hurt Hillary Clinton.

German Establishment Routed: AfD Second In Former East Germany; Result "Less Market Friendly Than Expected"

German Establishment Routed: AfD Second In Former East Germany; Result "Less Market Friendly Than Expected"

The first sellside comments on today's German elections - which as a reminder was a disaster for the German establishment, following the worst showing for the CDU/CSU since 1949 and the worst result for the SPD since 1945 with support for both parties tumbling since the 2013 elections...

... have started to trickle, in and according to SEB, the result is ‘less market-friendly’ than expected.

In Major Disappointment, Merkel Wins German Election Despite Worst Result Since 1949; AfD Surges To Enter Parliament

In Major Disappointment, Merkel Wins German Election Despite Worst Result Since 1949; AfD Surges To Enter Parliament

The German polls have officially closed, and the first exit polls numbers come in, confirming the expected fourth victory for Angela Merkel's CDU/CSU, however getting a unexpectedly low 32.5% of the vote, which according to Europe Elects was the worst result for Merkel's CDU/CSU (EPP) since 1949. Merkel's main challenger, the SPD, got 20%, also its worst result since Nazi era 1945; furthermore, the SPD has said it plans to enter the opposition, collapsing the current CDU/CSU-SPD "grand coalition." 

Iran Closes Airspace To Iraqi Kurdistan Ahead Of Historic Independence Vote

Iran Closes Airspace To Iraqi Kurdistan Ahead Of Historic Independence Vote

The diplomatic and economic noose is tightening around Iraqi Kurdistan one day ahead of its historic independence referendum. On Sunday, the Iranian government announced closure of its airspace to northern Iraq's Sulaimani and Erbil Airports, at the request of Iraqi authorities. The Baghdad government has repeatedly threatened military intervention in Iraq's autonomous Kurdish region should the vote proceed on Monday, which Baghdad warns could provoke invasion by neighboring states.
