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CNN: Rice Unmasked Trump Team Because Obama Was Offended By UAE Crown Prince Visit To NY

CNN: Rice Unmasked Trump Team Because Obama Was Offended By UAE Crown Prince Visit To NY

For the better part of a year now Americans have speculated over precisely what pressing national security issue may have prompted the Obama administration to take the extreme measure of unmasking the names of Trump officials captured in foreign intelligence know, because bypassing the typical warrant process and violating an American citizen's fourth amendment protections is kind of a big deal. 

Discovery Of Another Democratic "Secret Server" May Have Prompted Imran Awan's Firing, Report

Discovery Of Another Democratic "Secret Server" May Have Prompted Imran Awan's Firing, Report

The mysterious case of Imran Awan, Debbie Wasserman Schultz's now indicted former IT staffer, continues to grow more interesting by the day.  As we've noted before, Awan and his wife, Hina Alvi, have so far only been charged with bank fraud and conspiracy though new allegations of wrongdoing seemingly surface on a daily basis. 

Now, the latest revelation comes via an exclusive report from The Daily Caller which suggests that Awan may have been fired only after Capitol Police discovered a "secret server" being housed by the House Democratic Caucus.

Security Contractor Says He Was Silenced By Clinton State Department On Benghazi

In the days following the September 2012 terrorist attack on the Benghazi embassy in Libya, the Clinton State Department and Obama White House launched an all-out media propaganda blitz designed to convince Americans that the whole thing had been sparked by an 'insensitive' YouTube video that Muslims in Libya apparently found offensive. As you'll undoubtedly recall, Susan Rice became the face of that propaganda blitz after appearing on every major TV network to blatantly lie to the American public.
