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New Presidential Candidate Nikki Haley — the Ron Paul institute has some Background Information

Nikki Haley announced on Tuesday that she is running for president of the United States as a Republican. What may a Haley presidency look like? To help answer that question, check out the nine articles linked below from the website of the Ron Paul Institute. The articles all focus on Haley — a former South Carolina governor, US ambassador to the United Nations, and Boeing Board of Directors member. “Nikki Haley Named to Boeing Board - Lew Rockwell 'Sickened'” by Daniel McAdams on February 28, 2019 “Scarier Than John Bolton?

Donald Trump — the Peace Candidate in the 2024 Republican Presidential Primary?

A Monday article at Politico makes the case that Donald Trump will likely be running as the peace candidate among individuals vying to be the 2024 Republican presidential nominee. The article’s authors — Meridith McGraw, Natalie Allison, and Gary Fineout— write:

Those close to Trump’s campaign operation say he plans to try and paint himself as an anti-war dove amongst the hawks. They believe doing so will resonate with GOP voters who are divided on, but growing wary of, continued support for Ukraine in its war with Russia.
