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Compass Point: "Odds Of A Government Shutdown Are Now Dramatically Higher"

Compass Point: "Odds Of A Government Shutdown Are Now Dramatically Higher"

Over the weekend, Morgan Stanley reminded its clients that the biggest threat facing markets over the coming weeks is the “three-headed policy monster” inside Washington: raising the debt ceiling, passing a budget and embarking on tax reform. As MS cross-asset strategist Andrew Sheets noted, "none are easy, but we see the debt ceiling as the most immediate test."

How We Know The So-Called “Civil War” Was Not Over Slavery

How We Know The So-Called “Civil War” Was Not Over Slavery

Paul Craig Roberts

When I read Professor Thomas DiLorenzo’s article ( ) the question that lept to mind was, “How come the South is said to have fought for slavery when the North wasn’t fighting against slavery?”

Hillary Says "Creep" Trump Made Her "Skin Crawl"

Hillary Says "Creep" Trump Made Her "Skin Crawl"

With two weeks left until "What Happened,” Hillary Clinton’s post-campaign memoir, is slated to hit the shelves, excerpts from the book are starting to leak. And, in order to build the pre-launch buzz, the first chapters to emerge focus not on the mistakes Clinton made during the campaign, but target the man who some believe stole her presidency with the help of the Russian government.  

Stocks Retrace Tax Bounce As Trump Raises Debt-Ceiling Doubts Overnight

Stocks Retrace Tax Bounce As Trump Raises Debt-Ceiling Doubts Overnight

Stocks are rapidly erasing yesterday's "making strides on taxes" gains as Trump's government shutdown threats remind investors just how fragile this whole facade is. The 'risk-off' trade is evident everywhere with Treasury and Bund yields tumbling, gold up, and USDJPY sliding.

Bond yields are tumbling - erasing all of yesterday's losses - Gold is back at yesterday's highs, and the dollar is leaking lower...

