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Escalation! After Crimea Bridge Blast, Russia Hits Back!

Just over a day after Kiev crossed Putin's "red line" and struck the bridge connecting Crimea with mainland Russia, Moscow launched an unprecedented level of airstrikes throughout Ukraine, aiming at the power grid and military command centers. The Biden Administration was convinced that Putin's talk of "red lines" was a bluff. How far will this escalate? Also today: a Washington Post survey of GOP Congressional candidates reveals that most do not believe the official story on the 2020 elections. What might this mean if control of the House and Senate shifts?

Map Explainer: The Caucasus Region

Map Explainer: The Caucasus Region

The Caucasus Region has been engulfed in a territorial dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the Nagorno-Karabakh region for decades now. Although flare-ups in the conflict have been recent, the root of the violence harkens back to the 1980s.

But this map allows us to step back and look at the region in its larger context.

Gov. Gavin Newsom Sics California’s Medical Boards on Doctors who Challenge the Coronavirus Party Line

On September 8, I wrote about California Governor Gavin Newsom having AB 2098 — legislation that “tells the state’s medical boards to punish doctors who challenge the coronavirus orthodoxy” — on his desk for him to either veto or sign into law. The punishment the state medical boards could impose under the legislation includes revoking doctors’ medical licenses. Here is an update. On Friday, Newsom signed into law this bill directing the prosecution of an attack on free speech, medical freedom, and the pursuit of better health.

Revolution in Italy? Voters 'Threw The Bums Out!'

A political tidal wave broke over Italy over the weekend, as voters by a large majority elected a right-wing government. European Union officials warned Italians not to vote the "wrong" way...but they did anyway. What is the bigger picture? Also today, a vote in Ukraine's eastern provinces promises escalation. And...guess who's got covid...again? Watch today's Liberty Report:
