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The Peacenik, John McCain, Criticizes Trump For Threatening War with N. Korea

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John only likes to support terrorists inside Syria and Neo-nazis inside The Ukraine. When it comes to war, the good senator from Arizona never shies away from one, unless of course it is being menaced by the man he hates most, President Donald John Trump.

Watch McCain, for the first time in his thousand year life, criticize American saber rattling against another country. Typically, 'going down again' John is all for it. In this case, he'd much prefer we BOMB MOSCOW, than all of N. Korea.

"Inclusive" Party Rep. Maxine Waters Won't Rule Out All-Black Party

"Inclusive" Party Rep. Maxine Waters Won't Rule Out All-Black Party

Another day, another line of drivel from California Democratic Party Rep. Maxine Waters.

Speaking on "The Breakfast Club" radio show yesterday morning, Daily Caller's Amber Athey reports that Waters was asked if it was time for black people to form their own party.

“No, not at this point,” Waters said. “You have to show that you’re willing and you’re able to put the numbers together and exercise your influence.”


“We still are not voting our influence yet,” she continued.

