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Ron Paul Says Abolish the FBI, Don’t Just Review and Reform It

After the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) raid and seizure at Donald Trump’s home this week, there has been much talk, including from United States Congress members, about holding hearings concerning the FBI and implementing reforms of the FBI. One former Congress member, though, says such actions do not go far enough. Ron Paul, who served in the House of Representatives as a Republican from Texas for over 20 years during which he twice sought the Republican presidential nomination, says that what is needed is the abolition of the FBI.

After Raid at Donald Trump’s Home, US Secretary of State Chastises Congo for Detaining Opposition Leader

United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken, speaking Wednesday in the African country Congo, expressed concern about the detention of Jean-Marc Kabund, the former vice president of Congo’s parliament. Blinken referred to the detention of Kabund as “a possible setback to the importance of having the right environment for elections and the civic space with the detention of a opposition political leader.” Hmmm.

A New ‘Giuliani Moment’? With Guest, Rep. Anthony Sabatini

Florida State Rep. Anthony Sabatini, in a recent candidate forum, dared to make a stand for non-interventionism in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. He was interrogated by neocon moderator Marc Levin who could not believe anyone could advise staying out of the war, calling the Florida Rep’s views “the most radical I’ve ever heard.” Sabatini held his ground…and the crowd roared in approval. Today on the Liberty Report:
