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Scam Alert! Ukraine Demands $750 Billion...For 'Reconstruction'!

As Ukraine continues to lose ground in the east, its leaders are inexplicably demanding three-quarters of a trillion dollars to "reconstruct" areas controlled by Russia. Once widely considered the most corrupt country in Europe, Western leaders have already dumped in billions with zero oversight. Will they keep writing checks? Also today, Saudis laugh at Biden's request for more oil. And...JP Morgan warns of $380/barrel oil. Watch today's Liberty Report:

Biden: High Gas Prices For 'As Long As It Takes' To Defeat Russia

In a rare press conference after the Madrid NATO Summit today, President Biden was asked how long Americans should expect to pay high gas prices over the Ukraine conflict. Biden's response was flippant: "for as long as it takes." He also blamed high food prices on "Russia, Russia, Russia." Are Americans buying it? Also today: They're turning West Point into "Woke Point" and some retired grads are steaming! Watch today's Liberty Report:

Ron Paul and the New US Supreme Court Decision Restraining Prosecution of Doctors for Prescribing Pain Medicine

Ron Paul was a strong proponent in the United States House of Representatives of ending the US government’s war on doctors who prescribe pain medication and on their patients who rely on the medication to relieve pain. This war has been a subset of the larger war on drugs and one that is in many ways easier to fight than taking on actual drug-running organizations that use stealth and violence as tools of the trade. In a House floor speech on July 7, 2004 in favor of his bill amendment intended to end US government prosecutions of doctors for prescribing pain medicines.

G7 Leaders Pledge Endless Money To Ukraine - 'As Long As It Takes'!

After two days in a luxurious German castle, President Biden and the rest of the G7 leaders pledged to continue shipping an endless pipeline of dollars to Ukraine, even as the war continues to be lost. With western enthusiasm waning, however, is this just hot air? Also today at G7: Don't say Covid! Finally today - US military recruiters find little interest among young Americans. Why? Watch today's Liberty Report:
