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Trashing the Constitution to Seize Russians’ Property

In his March 1 State of the Union speech, President Joe Biden threatened, in a comment directed to people he termed “Russian oligarchs,” that “we are joining with our European allies to find and seize your yachts your luxury apartments your private jets. We are coming for your ill-begotten gains.” Since then, US government agents have been doing just that, seizing Russians’ property wherever it can be found. Wait a second here. Is that how things are supposed to work in America? What of due process, checks and balances, limited government, and respect for property rights?

Andrew Napolitano Discusses the ‘Tremendous News’ that a Court Struck Down President Biden’s Transportation-Related Mask Mandate

A United States district judge in Florida struck down on Monday the mandate imposed by President Joe Biden through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that people countrywide wear masks in many public transportation-related activities and locations, as well as in taxis and ride share vehicles. Legal analyst Andrew Napolitano provides a quick rundown of the court decision, which he calls “tremendous news,” and its implications in a brief video report you can watch here:

US Senator: Time To Send US Troops To Fight Russia In Ukraine!

Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) said on the weekend talk shows that it's time to start talking about sending US troops to directly fight Russia in Ukraine. Thus to defend Ukraine's borders, this member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee openly calls for that launch of what would be WWIII. Coons is joined by plenty of Republican Members calling for direct conflict with Russia, including disgraced neocon Rep. Adam Kinzinger. Also today: Fauci spills the beans on lockdowns and MSNBC spills the beans on its view of the role of media in a "free" society. Watch today's Liberty Report:
