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RT America’s Demise is a Loss for Free Speech and Diversity of Information

The United States government is busy banning and sanctioning virtually all things Russian. Meanwhile, big money media and social media are nearly uniformly proclaiming anti-Russia sentiment and working hard to limit Americans’ exposure of contrary information. In this context, it is little surprise that last week RT America, with its connection to the government of Russia, ceased broadcasting.

A Large Scale False Flag Cyber-Attack Is Now Imminent

By Brandon Smith

In early 2021 at the height of media generated covid fear the World Economic Forum released a series of panel discussions and white papers outlining a “pandemic” of a completely different nature; what they referred to as an impending “cyber-attack with covid like characteristics.” The program agenda at the WEF was titled “Cyber Polygon” and headed with unsettling zeal by globalist Klaus Schwab.
