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Biden’s Most Dangerous Game in Ukraine with Daniel McAdams

Ron Paul Institute Director Daniel McAdams joins Tom Mullins' podcast to discuss the latest brinksmanship on Ukraine. What's behind the threats and the troop movements? Is Putin about to invade? What is the larger context, especially considering that Washington's military-industrial-complex is still running the show:

Biden's Insane 'Russia False Flag' Conspiracy Debunked

It is so rare to see an actual journalist rather than a regime stenographer in the US mainstream media that there really needs to be a federal "endangered species" protection designation. In this case it would be AP's Matt Lee, their diplomatic affairs correspondent, who's been around the block many times and whose reputation is that he takes no crap from flacks regardless of party. Imagine that!So in today's State Department brief, spokesman Ned Price was given the unenviable task of dressing up the Administration's latest offering of bovine excrement and selling it as a gourmet dip.
