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Leaders of ‘Largest Libertarian Student Organization in the World’ Say Sanction Venezuela

You would likely expect leaders of Students for Liberty to oppose the imposing of sanctions on Venezuela. After all, the organization claims at its website that it is the “largest libertarian student organization in the world” and libertarians are known for their support for a noninterventionist foreign policy. That noninterventionist approach includes opposition to imposing sanctions on other countries to bring about “regime change” or to force changes in government policies in those countries. Well, the self-proclaimed libertarian organization has a surprise for you.

Russia’s Humanity and Moral Conscience Are Leading to War

Russia’s Humanity and Moral Conscience Are Leading to War

Paul Craig Roberts

It speaks to the humanity and moral greatness of the Russian government led by Vladimir Putin that Russia consented to a pretend attack in order that Donald Trump could save face. Unfortunately for us all, the consequences of Russia’s generosity will not be the thanks that the Russians deserve. Russia and Putin will get no credit for saving Trump from having to back down or have his naval flotilla sunk and his bombers shot down.

Trump Has Proven Himself To Be A Psychopathic Liar. His Presidency Is Finished.

Trump Has Proven Himself To Be A Psychopathic Liar. His Presidency Is Finished.

Trump is over and done with. The next idiot will be even worse. War remains on the horizon.

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Are We Over the US/UK Fomented Crisis In Syria?

Are We Over the US/UK Fomented Crisis In Syria?

Paul Craig Roberts

It appears from the very limited US missile attack, most of which were intercepted and destroyed by Syrian air defenses, that the US military prevailed over the crazed John Bolton and carefully avoided a strike that would have resulted in a Russian response. No significant Syrian site appears to have been targeted, and no Russians were endangered.
