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Bolton: As Bad As It Gets

As I wrote, if Trump appoints John Bolton National Security Adviser, prepare to die. Diana Johnstone explains why in

Bolton: As Bad As It Gets

If Trump is good at firing, it is because he is so bad at hiring.

Donald Trump came to office having made noises favorable to normalizing relations with Russia and cutting back foreign military adventures. Despite his manifest personal and professional inadequacies, that vague promise offered a glimmer of hope to a number of congenital optimists.

Slaughterhouse Damascus

This is a translation by Costantino Ceoldo of an article by the well known Italian war correspondent Gian Micalessin reporting from the scene on the latest attrocity committed against Syrian civilians by the Western-armed and supported mercenaries sent to destabilize Syria and throw the counry into chaos, like Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Yeman. These attrocities are seldom mentioned in the Western media and when they are, they are falsely blamed on Assad and Russia.

Here is
Gian Micalessin on Slaughterhouse Damascus

Is the US Government Criminally Insane?

Is the US Government Criminally Insane?

Read these articles and make up your mind:

Finally, Some Good News

Finally, Some Good News

Paul Craig Roberts

Washington’s gratuitous raising of tensions with Russia that we have been witnessing for many years is so reckless and irresponsible that we need some relief from the depression of it all. Perhaps I am grasping at straws, but here are some hopeful developments.
