American Elites Discredited Themselves With Russiagate
American Elites Discredited Themselves With Russiagate
American Elites Discredited Themselves With Russiagate
Does the ACLU Any Longer Defend Civil Liberty?
Paul Craig Roberts
There are many signs of American collapse. One of the most scary is the fact that the American Civil Liberties Union no longer knows what are the civil liberties it purports to defend. Identity Politics has transformed civil rights into privileges for victim groups.
Russiaphobia Is Out of Control
Paul Craig Roberts
As has been made perfectly clear, Mueller’s “indictment” of 13 Russians and 3 companies is just another hoax. See: and:
All Mueller has found is a bait-click commerial marketing scheme that had nothing to do with election interference.
David Nunes for President, Ray McGovern for CIA Director
Paul Craig Roberts
This is an extraordinary and highly truthful article by former CIA official Ray McGovern who was the responsible official for the daily briefing of the President of the United States. Be sure to read it:
CBS Contradicts Itself On Mueller’s Report
Paul Craig Roberts
Despite reporting correctly Deputy AG Rosenstein’s statement that Mueller’s investigation found no evidence that Russian social media activity had an effect on the US election and no cooperation or collusion with the Trump campaign, CBS then falsely reports: “DOJ indicts Russians for meddling in election.”
Does CBS have an explanation for its side-by-side self-contradiction on its own website?