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Russiagate Has Blown Up In The Face Of Its Originators—the FBI, DOJ, and Hillary

Russiagate Has Blown Up In The Face Of Its Originators—the FBI, DOJ, and Hillary

Paul Craig Roberts

It is exactly as I told you. Russiagate is a conspiracy between the FBI, the DOJ, and the Hillary campaign to overturn Donald Trump’s election. We have treason committed at the highest levels of the FBI and Department of Justice and the Democratic National Committee.

If you believed one word of Russiagate, you now must laugh or cry at your incredible gullibility.

The Twitter President

The Twitter President

Paul Craig Roberts

As my readers at home and around the world know, I supported giving Trump a chance as Trump, and only Trump, addressed the two most important issues of our time for both all of humanity and for Americans: (1) avoiding nuclear Armageddon by normalizing relations with Russia, and (2) restoring the American middle class, on whose success political stability in the United States depends, by stopping the offshoring of US jobs and bringing those offshored home.

Stephen Cohen Explains Putin Objectively

Stephen Cohen Explains Putin Objectively

Stephen F. Cohen is our most knowledgeable Russian expert. Unlike talking media heads such as Megyn Kelly, Cohen understands the subject matter. Addressing an audience composed of subscribers to The Nation magazine, Cohen rebukes the orchestrated demonizations of Putin and Russia and provides an objective account. Cohen would be the best possible US Ambassador to Russia, but because he is objective, he is unwelcome in Washington’s corridors of power.
