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The “Kremlin list” Is a Bullet Aimed at Putin’s Heart

The “Kremlin list” Is a Bullet Aimed at Putin’s Heart

Paul Craig Roberts

The Russian government, media, and public don’t know what to make of the US Treasury’s “Kremlim list.” The Treasury list contains the names of the top echelon of Russian government and business leadership. The Russians understand that the list is unfriendly and furthers Washington’s policy of worsening the relationship between the two major nuclear powers, but beyond that the list seems to be a mystery to them.

The Second Dossier

The Second Dossier

Paul Craig Roberts

The purpose of the Second Dossier is to prevent the first one from being delegitimized by the release of the summary report of the House Intelligence Committees’ investigation, which found that Russiagate is a conspiracy against President Trump and American democracy by the FBI, Obama Justice (sic) Department, Hillary-controlled Democratic National Committee, and the presstitute media.
