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Obama & Hillary "Most Admired" Man & Woman For 10th Year In A Row

Obama & Hillary "Most Admired" Man & Woman For 10th Year In A Row

Former President Barack Obama is America’s “most admired man” for the 10th consecutive year, according to new survey data from Gallup, and perhaps even more surprising, Hillary Clinton was named the most admired woman for the 16th year in a row.

As Gallup notes, the pair retain their titles this year, although by much narrower margins than in the past. Obama edges out Donald Trump, 17% to 14%, while Clinton edges out Michelle Obama, 9% to 7%.

Source: Gallup

Israel Braces For "Earth Shattering" Indictments Against Netanyahu

Israel Braces For "Earth Shattering" Indictments Against Netanyahu

As Israeli police conclude their corruption investigation of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, former advisor to the force, Lior Chorev, says the indictments to follow will be "earth-shattering" and will result in early elections - possibly as soon as May 2018, which would end the political career of the longest-serving Israeli leader since founding father David Ben-Gurion. 

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (photo credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS)
