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Israel Braces For "Earth Shattering" Indictments Against Netanyahu

Israel Braces For "Earth Shattering" Indictments Against Netanyahu

As Israeli police conclude their corruption investigation of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, former advisor to the force, Lior Chorev, says the indictments to follow will be "earth-shattering" and will result in early elections - possibly as soon as May 2018, which would end the political career of the longest-serving Israeli leader since founding father David Ben-Gurion. 

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (photo credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS)

Russia Establishes Two Permanent Bases In Syria To Host Nuclear Warships And Warplanes

Russia Establishes Two Permanent Bases In Syria To Host Nuclear Warships And Warplanes

Russia's defense ministry has announced it is now in the process of establishing two permanent military bases in war-torn Syria after President Putin authorized prior deals with the Syrian government to move forward. Though Russia maintains merely up to ten military bases on foreign soil, the installations in Tartus and Khmeimim will be the most strategically located, allowing for a growing and permanent Russian presence on the Mediterranean, something which has already raised eyebrows in the West.

Pair Of Bush-Era Economists Emerge As Front-Runners For Fed Vice Chair Position

Pair Of Bush-Era Economists Emerge As Front-Runners For Fed Vice Chair Position

After selecting Fed governor Jerome Powell to replace Janet Yellen as Fed Chair when her term expires in February, the Trump White House has now moved on to interviewing a series of candidates for the Vice Chair position.  As the Wall Street Journal notes this morning, two of the more likely candidates for that role are a pair of economists who served in senior positions in the George W. Bush administration.

Chilling Footage Shows The Moment A Militant Shot Syrian Army Plane Out Of The Sky

Yesterday, militants stationed in Hama, a governate in northern Syria, shot down a L-39 Albatros fighter belonging to the Syrian army, killing its pilot.

Though details about which militant group carried out the attack and the fate of the pilot remain sketchy, a video has surfaced on social media showing a militant firing what appears to be a shoulder-mounted anti-aircraft gun into the sky.

The projectile appears to strike an object, then, moments later, a plume of smoke rises from the ground in the distance. All the while, machine guns can be heard in the background.
