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Militants Shoot Down Syrian Army Plane In Hama Province

Militants Shoot Down Syrian Army Plane In Hama Province

According to local TV, a Syrian army's military aircraft has been downed by insurgents in the Hama province. The pilot of the jet has reportedly been killed as a result of the downing, according to Al Arabiya.



Balloons & Flash Drives: How A Private Organization Is Trying To Incite Rebellion In North Korea

Balloons & Flash Drives: How A Private Organization Is Trying To Incite Rebellion In North Korea

Authored by Anders Hagstrom via The Daily Caller,

The U.S.-based Human Rights Foundation (HSF) has worked with North Korean defectors to smuggle flash drives and other tools into their dictatorial homeland to counter the regime’s propaganda throughout 2017.

HSF director Alex Gladstein claims that his organization has successfully smuggled up to 10,000 flash drives into the country containing documentaries countering state narratives, according to The Telegraph.

Trump Slams "Crooked Hillary Pile Of Garbage"-Funded "Bogus" Dossier

Having taken a shot at The FBI on Christmas Eve Eve...

Russia's Military Is Leaner, But Meaner

Russia's Military Is Leaner, But Meaner

Authore by Leonid Brershidky via,

During Russian President Vladimir Putin's annual press conference on Thursday, a friendly journalist asked Putin whether the escalating tension in relations with the U.S. and the crumbling of arms control treaties would draw Russia into an unsustainable arms race. "We will ensure our security without engaging in an arms race," the president replied, citing widely diverging dollar numbers for the U.S. and Russian defense budgets. 

Ron Paul Blasts Congress' Political And Personal Immorality

Ron Paul Blasts Congress' Political And Personal Immorality

Authored by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity,

Many Americans have been shocked by recent revelations of the extent of sexual harassment in Congress.

However, no one should be too surprised that those who spend their lives defending and expanding the welfare-warfare state engage in immoral personal conduct.

It is only natural that an immoral system, like the welfare-warfare state, tends to attract individuals likely to practice personal immorality.
