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presidential election

Comey: "The Russians Concluded Trump Was Hopeless Last August"

It appears that Russia fell for the same ruse that much of America, not to mention its press and punditry, was taken by, at least according to the FBI director: believing US polls. 

During his hearing before the House Intel Panel, FBI Director James Comey said that the Russians expected Hillary Clinton to win the presidency over Donald Trump as of August and September.

Dutch Election Results Confirm 'Far Right Populism' Still On The Rise In Europe

Dutch Election Results Confirm 'Far Right Populism' Still On The Rise In Europe

Authored by Alex Gorka via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

Those who support the idea of globalism and strive for closer European integration believe the results of the Dutch election indicate the tide has been stemmed, with Eurosceptics and «populist» forces on the defensive. The buck stops here. This is the end of domino effect. The reshaping of Europe has been prevented. The pro-NATO, pro-EU establishment elites are to see glory days again.

Is it really so if you get to the bottom of it?

Intel Chair: "No Collusion Between Trump and Russia... Leak Is The Only Crime"

Just as was predicted, based on the expectations management being undertaken by high-ranking Democrats, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes confirmed on Sunday that he's seen no evidence of collusion between President Trump's campaign and Russia.

As The Hill reports, Nunes was asked during an interview on "Fox News Sunday" if he has seen any evidence of any collusion between "Trump world" and Russia to swing the 2016 presidential election.
